TRIA Publications
Click on any article to be directed to the full published version.
- Erbilgin, N., Christiansen, E., Krokene, P., Zeneli, G., and Gershenzon, J. (2006). Exogenous application of methyl jasmonate elicits defences in Norway spruce (Picea abies) and reduces host colonization by the bark beetle Ips typographus. Oecologia. 148(3), 426-436.
- Keeling, C.I., and Bohlmann, J. (2006b). Genes, enzymes, and chemicals of terpenoid diversity in the constitutive and induced defence of conifers against insects and pathogens. New Phytologist 170(4), 657–675.
- Keeling, C.I., Bearfield, J.C, Young, S., Blomquist, G.J., Tittiger, C. (2006). Effects of juvinilte hormone on gene expression in the pheromone-producing midgut of the pine engraver beetle Ips pini. Insect Molecular Biology. 15(2),207-206.
- DiGuistini, S., Ralph, S., Lim, Y., Holt, R., Jones, S., Bohlmann, J., and Breuil, C. (2007). Generation and annotation of lodgepole pine an oleoresin induced expressed sequences from the blue-stain fungus Ophiostoma clavigerum, a mountain pine beetle associated pathogen. FEMS Microbiology Letters 267: 151-158.
- Huber, D.P.W., Erickson, M.L., Leutenegger, C.M., Bohlmann, J., and Seybold, S.J. (2007). Isolation and extreme sex-specific expression of cytochrome P450 genes in the bark beetle, Ips paraconfusus, following feeding on the phloem of host ponderosa pine, Pinus ponderosa. Insect Molecular Biology 16(3), 335-349.
- Keeling, C.I., Bohlmann, J. (2008). Terpenoid biomaterials. The Plant Journal. 54(4), 656-669.
- Keeling, C.I., Weisshaar, S., Lin, R.P.C., and Bohlmann, J. (2008). Functional plasticity of paralogous diterpene synthases involved in conifer defence. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 105(3), 1085–1090.
- Plattner, A., Kim, J., Diguistini, S., Breuil, C. (2008) Variation in pathogenicity of a mountain pine beetle-associated blue-stain fungus, Grosmannia clavigera, on young lodgepole pine in British Columbia. Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology. 30(3), 457-466.
- Raffa, F., Aukema, B., Bentz, B., Carroll, A., Hicke, J., Turner, M., and Romme, W.H. (2008). Cross-scale Drivers of Natural Disturbances Prone to Anthropogenic Amplification: The Dynamics of Bark Beetle Eruptions. BioScience 58, 501–517.
- Alamouti, S.M., Tsui, C.K.M, and Breuil, C. (2009). Multigene phylogeny of filamentous ambrosia fungi associated with ambrosia and bark beetles. Mycological Research 113(pt8), 822-835
- Davis, C.S., Mock, K.E., Bentz, B.J., Bromilow, S.M., Bartell, N.V., Murray, B.W., Roe, A.D., Cooke J.E.K. (2009). Isolation and characterization of 16 microsatellite loci in the mountain pine beetle, Dendroctonus ponderosae Hopkins (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae) Molecular Ecology Resources. 9(3), 1071-1073
- DiGuistini, S., Liao N.Y., Platt, D., Robertson, G., Seidel, M., Chan, S.K., Birol, I., Holt, R.A., Hirst, M., Mardis, E., Marra, M.A., Hamelin, R.C., Bohlmann, J., Breuil, C., Jones, S.J.M. (2009). De novo genome sequence assembly of a filamentous fungus using Sanger, 454 and Illumina sequence data. Genome Biology, 10:r94,
- Koopmans, J., de la Giroday, H-M.C., Lindgren, B.S., Aukema, B.H. (2009) Take me to your leader: Does early successional vegetation spatially inhibit Pissodes strobi? Environmental Entomology 38(4), 1189-1196.
- Rice, A.V. and Langor. D (2009). Mountain pine beetle-associated blue-stain fungi in lodgepole x jack pine hybrids near Grande Prairie, Alberta (Canada) Forest Pathology. 39(5),323-334
- Tsui, C.K.M., Feau, N., Ritland, C.E., Alamouti S.M., DiGuistini, S., Khadempour, L., Bohlmann, J., Breuil, C., and Hamelin, R.C. (2009). Characterization of microsatellite loci in the fungus Grosmannia clavigera, a pine pathogen associated with the mountain pine beetle. Molecular Ecology Resources 9(6), 1500-1503.
- Aw, T., Schlauch, K., Keeling, C.I., Young, S., Bearfield, J.C., Blomquist, G.J., Tittiger, C. (2010). Functional genomics of mountain pine beetle (Dendroctonus ponderosae) midguts and fat bodies BMC Genomics 2010 11,215.
- Hesse-Orce, U., Diguistini, S., Keeling, C.I., Wang, Y., Li, M., Henderson, H., Docking, R., Liao, N.Y., Robertson, G., Holt, R.A., Jones, S.J.M., Bohlmann, J., Breuil, C. (2010). Gene discovery for the bark beetle-vectored fungal tree pathogen Grosmannia clavigera BMC Genomics 11,536.
- Khadempour, L., Massoumi Alamouti, S., Hamelin, R., Bohlmann, J., Breuil, C. (2010). Target-specific PCR primers can detect and differentiate ophiostomatoid fungi from microbial communities associated with the mountain pine beetle Dendroctonus ponderosae. Fungal Biology. 114(10),825-833,
- Roe, A.D., Rice, A.V., Bromilow, S.E., Cooke, J.E.K., Sperling, F.A.H. (2010). Multilocus species identification and fungal DNA barcoding: insights from blue stain fungal symbionts of the mountain pine beetle Roe et al. Molecular Ecology Resources. 10(6), 946-59
- Tsui, C.K.M., Wang, B., Khadempour, L., Alamouti, S.M., Bohlmann, J., Murray, B.W., Hamelin, R.C. (2010). Rapid identification and detection of pine pathogenic fungi associated with mountain pine beetles by padlock probes Journal of Microbiological Methods 83(1),26-33.
- Wang, Y., DiGuistini, S., Wang, T.C., Bohlmann, J., Breuil. C. (2010) Agrobacterium-meditated gene disruption using split-marker in Grosmannia clavigera, a mountain pine beetle associated pathogen, Current Genetics, 56,297-307.
- Zulak, K.G., Bohlmann, J. (2010). Terpenoid biosynthesis and specialized vascular cells of conifer defense. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 52(1), 86-97.
- Zheng, Y., Aukema, B.H. (2010) Hierarchical dynamic modeling of outbreaks of mountain pine beetle using partial differential equations. Environmetrics. 21(7-8), 801-816.
- Adams, A., Boone, C.K., Bohlmann, J., Raffa, K. (2011). Responses of bark beetle-associated bacteria to host monoterpenes, and their relationship to insect life histories. Journal of Chemical Ecology. 37(8),808-817,
- Boone, C.K., Aukema, B.H., Bohlmann, J., Carroll, A.L., Raffa, K.F. (2011). Efficacy of tree defense physiology varies with bark beetle population density: a basis for positive feedback in eruptive species. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 41, 1174–1188.
- Cullingham, C.I., Cooke, J.E.K., Dang, S., Davis, C.S., Cooke, B.J., Coltman, D.W. (2011). Mountain pine beetle host-range expansion threatens the boreal forest. Molecular Ecology 20(10), 2157-2171,
- de la Giroday, H.-M., Carroll, A.L., Lindgren, B.S., Aukema, B.H. (2011). Incoming! Association of landscape features with dispersing mountain pine beetle populations during a range expansion event in western Canada. Landscape Ecology. 26(8), 1097-1011,
- DiGuistini, S., Wang, Y., Liao, N.Y., Taylor, G., Tanguay, P., Feau, N., Henrissat, B., Chan, S.K., Hesse-Orce, U., Alamouti, S.M., Tsui, C.K., Docking, R., Levasseur, A., Haridas, S., Robertson, G., Birol, I., Holt, R.A., Marra, M.A., Hamelin, R.C., Hirst, M., Jones, S.J.M., Bohlmann, J., Breuil, C. (2011). Genome and transcriptome analyses of the mountain pine beetle-fungal symbiont Grosmannia clavigera, a lodgepole pine pathogen. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 108(6), 2504-2509.
- Haridas, S., Breuil, C., Bohlmann, J., Hsiang, T. (2011). A biologist’s guide to de novo genome assembly using next-generation sequence data: a test with fungal genomes. Journal of Microbiological Methods. 86(3), 368-375,
- James, P.M.A., Murray, B.W., Hamelin, R.C., Coltman, D.W., Sperling, F.A.H. (2011). Spatial genetic structure of a symbiotic beetle-fungal system: Toward multi-taxa integrated landscape genetics. PLoS ONE. 6(10), e25359,
- Lusebrink, I., Evenden, M.L., Blanchet, F.G., Cooke, J.E.K., Erbilgin, N. (2011). Effect of water stress and plant defense stimulation on monoterpene emission from historical and potential pine hosts of the mountain pine beetle. Journal of Chemical Ecology. 37(9),1013-1026,
- Massoumi Alamouti S, Wang WY, DiGuistini S, Six, DL, Bohlmann J, Hamelin RC, Breuil C. (2011). Gene genealogies reveal cryptic species and host preferences for the pine fungal pathogen Grosmannia clavigera. Molecular Ecology. 20(10):2581–2602,
- Roe, A.D, James, P.M.A., Cooke, J., Sperling, F.A.H. (2011). Spatial community structure of mountain pine beetle fungal symbionts across a latitudinal gradient. Microbial Ecology 62(2), 347-60.
- Roe, A.D., Rice, A.V., Coltman, D.W., Cooke, J.E.K., Sperling, F.A.H. (2011). Comparative phylogeography, genetic differentiation, and contrasting reproductive modes in three fungal symbionts of a multipartite bark beetle symbiosis. Molecular Ecology 20(3), 584-600.
- Sambaraju, K.R., Carroll, A.L., Zhu, J., Stahl, K., Moore, R.D., Aukema, B.H. (2011). Climate change could alter the distribution of mountain pine beetle outbreaks in western Canada. Ecography. 35, 211-223.
- Bohlmann, J. (2012). Pine terpenoid defences in the mountain pine beetle epidemic and in other conifer pest interactions: specialized enemies are eating holes into a diverse, dynamic and durable defence system. Tree Physiology. 32(8), 943-945,
- Bonnett, T, R., Robert, J.A., Pitt, C., Fraser, J.D., Keeling, C.I., Bohlmann, J, Huber, D. P.W. (2012). Global and comparative proteomic profiling of overwintering and developing mountain pine beetle, Dendroctonus ponderosae (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) larvae. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. 42(12), 890-901,
- Cullingham, C.I., James, P.M.A., Cooke, J.E.K., Coltman, D.W. (2012). Characterizing the physical and genetic structure of the lodgepole pine × jack pine hybrid zone: mosaic structure and differential introgression. Evolutionary Applications. 5(8), 879-891,
- Cullingham, C.I., Roe, A.D., Sperling, F.A.H., Coltman, D.W. (2012). Phylogeographic insights into an irruptive pest outbreak. Ecology and Evolution. 2(5), 908-919.
- de la Giroday, H.-M., Carroll, A.L., Aukema, B.H. (2012). Breach of the northern Rocky Mountain geoclimatic barrier: Initiation of range expansion by the mountain pine beetle. Journal of Biogeography. 39(6), 1112-1123.
- Hamelin, R.C. (2012). Contributions of genomics to forest pathology. Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology. 34(1), 20-28.
- Keeling, C.I., Henderson, H., Li, M., Yuen, M., Clark, E.L., Fraser, J.D., Huber, D.P.W., Liao, N.Y., Docking, T.R., Birol, I., Chan, S.K., Taylor, G.A., Palmquist, D., Jones, S.J.M., Bohlmann, J. (2012). Transcriptome and full-length cDNA resources for the mountain pine beetle, Dendroctonus ponderosae Hopkins, a major insect pest of pine forests. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. 42(8), 525-536,
- Khadempour L., Lemay V., Jack D, Bohlmann, J., Breuil, C. (2012) The relative abundance of mountain pine beetle fungal associates changes through the beetle life cycle in pine trees. Microbial Ecology. 64(4), 909-17.
- Reyes, P.E., Zhu, J., and Aukema, B.H. (2012). Selection of Spatial-Temporal Lattice Models: Assessing the Impact of Climate Conditions on a Mountain Pine Beetle Outbreak. Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics. Journal of Agricultural, Biological and Environmental Statistics. 17(3), 508–525,
- Samarasekera N.G., Bartell N., Lindgren B.S., Cooke J.E.K., Davis C.S., James P.M.A., Coltman D.W., Mock K.E., Murray B.W. (2012). Spatial genetic structure of the mountain pine beetle (Dendroctonus ponderosae) outbreak in Western Canada: Historical patterns and contemporary dispersal. Molecular Ecology. 21(12), 2931-2948,
- Tsui, C., Roe, A.D., El-Kassaby, Y.A., Rice, A.V., Alamouti, A.M., Sperling, F.A.H., Cooke, J.E.K., Bohlmann, J., Breuil, C., Hamelin, R.C. (2012). Population structure and migration pattern of a conifer pathogen, Grosmannia clavigera, as influenced by its symbiont mountain pine beetle. Molecular Ecology. 21(1), 71-86,
- Andersson, M.N., Grosse-Wilde, E., Keeling, C.I., Bengtsson, J.M., Yuen, M.M.S., Li, M., Hillbur, Y., Bohlmann, J., Hansson, B.S., Schlyter, F. (2013). Antennal transcriptome analysis of chemosensory gene families in tree killing bark beetles, Ips typographus andDendroctonus ponderosae (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae). BMC Genomics. 14,198.
- Arango-Velez, A., Meents, M.J., Galindo-González, L.M., El Kayal, W., Cooke, B.J., Linsky, J., Lusebrink, I., Cooke, J.E.K. (2013). Influence of water deficit on the molecular responses of Pinus contorta × Pinus banksiana mature trees to infection by the mountain pine beetle fungal associate, Grosmannia clavigera. Tree Physiology, 00, 1-20.
- Clement, K.M.T., DiGuistini, S., Feau, N., Wang, Y., Bohlmann, J., Hamelin, R.C. (2013). Unequal recombination and evolution of the mating-type (MAT) loci in the pathogenic fungus Grosmannia clavigera and relatives. G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics. 2013 3(3),465-480,
- Cullingham, C.I., Cooke, J.E.K., Dang, S., Coltman, D.W. (2013). A species-diagnostic SNP panel for discriminating lodgepole pine, jack pine, and their interspecific hybrids. Tree Genetics and Genomes, 9(4), 1119-1127.
- Erbilgin N, Ma C, Whitehouse C, Shan B, Najar A, Evenden M. New Phytologist. (2013). Chemical similarity between historical and novel host plants promotes range and host expansion of the mountain pine beetle in a naïve host ecosystem. New Phytologist, 201(3), 940-950.
- Hall DE, Yuen MMS, Jancsik S, Lara Quesada A, Dullat HK, Li M, Henderson H, Arango-Velez A, Liao NY, Docking TR, Chan SK, Cooke JEK, Breuil C, Keeling CI, Bohlmann J. (2013). Transcriptome resources and functional characterization of monoterpene synthases for two host species of the mountain pine beetle, lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta) and jack pine (Pinus banksiana). BMC Plant Biology. 13,80.
- Hall, D.E., Zerbe, P., Jancsik, S., Lara Quesada, A., Dullat, H., Madilao, L.L., Yuen, M., Bohlmann, J. (2013). Evolution of Conifer Diterpene Synthases: Diterpene Resin Acid Biosynthesis in Lodgepole Pine and Jack Pine Involves Monofunctional and Bifunctional Diterpene Synthases. Plant Physiology. 162(2), 1073-1091,
- Hammerbacher A, Schmidt A, Wadke N, Wright LP, Schneider B, Bohlmann J, Brand WA, Fenning TM, Gershenzon J, Paetz C. (2013). A common fungal associate of the spruce bark beetle metabolizes the stilbene defenses of Norway spruce. Plant Physiology. 162(3), 1324-1336,
- Keeling, C.I., Chiu, C.C., Aw, T., Li, M., Henderson, H., Tittiger, C., Weng, H-B., Blomquist, G.J., Bohlmann, J. (2013) Frontalin pheromone biosynthesis in the mountain pine beetle, Dendroctonus ponderosae, and the role of isoprenyl diphosphate synthases. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (47), 18838-18843.
- Keeling, C.I., Henderson, H., Li, M., Dullat, H.K., Ohnishi, T., Bohlmann, J. (2013). CYP345E2, an antenna-specific cytochrome P450 from the mountain pine beetle, Dendroctonus ponderosae Hopkins, catalyses the oxidation of pine host monoterpene volatiles. Insect biochemistry and molecular biology. 43(12), 1142-1151.
- Keeling, C.I., Yuen, M.M.S., Liao, N.Y., Docking, T.R., Chan, S.K., Taylor, G.A., Palmquist, D.L., Jackman, S.D., Nguyen, A., Li, M., Henderson, H., Janes, J.K., Zhao, Y., Pandoh, P., Moore, R., Sperling, F.A.H., Huber, D.P.W., Birol, I., Jones, S.J.M., Bohlmann, J. (2013). Draft genome of the mountain pine beetle, Dendroctonus ponderosae Hopkins, a major forest pest. Genome Biology. 14, R27,
- Lah, L., Haridas, S., Bohlmann, J., Breuil, C. (2013). The cytochromes P450 of Grosmannia clavigera: Genome organization, phylogeny, and expression in response to pine host chemicals. Fungal Genetics and Biology. 50, 72-81,
- Lusebrink I, Erbilgin N, Evenden M. (2013). The lodgepole x jack pine hybrid zone in Alberta, Canada: a stepping stone for the mountain pine beetle on its journey east across the boreal forest? Journal of Chemical Ecology. 39(9),1209-1220,
- Ojeda, DI, Dhillon, B, Tsui, CKM, Hamelin, RC. (2013). SNP discovery in Leptographium longiclavatum, a mountain pine beetle-associated symbiotic fungus, using whole-genome resequencing. Molecular Ecology Resources. 14(2):401-410,
- Robert JA, Pitt C, Bonnett TR, Yuen MMS, Keeling CI, Bohlmann J, Huber DPW. (2013). Disentangling detoxification: Gene expression analysis of feeding mountain pine beetle illuminates molecular-level host chemical defense detoxification mechanisms. PLOS One. 8(11), e77777.
- Wang, Y., Lim, L., DiGuistini, S., Robertson, G., Bohlmann, J., Breuil, C. (2013). A specialized ABC efflux transporter GcABC-G1 confers monoterpene resistance to Grosmannia clavigera, a bark beetle-associated fungal pathogen of pine trees. New Phytologist. 197(3): 886-89,
- Alamouti, S.M., Haridas, S., Feau, N., Robertson, G., Bohlmann, J., Breuil, C. (2014) Comparative genomics of the pine pathogens and beetle symbionts in the genus Grosmannia. Molecular Biology and Evolution. Jun;31(6):1454-74.
- Bleiker, K.P., O’Brien, M.R., Smith, G.D., Carroll, A.L. (2014) Characterisation of attacks made by the mountain pine beetle (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) during its endemic population phase. The Canadian Entomologist. 146(3), 271-284.
- Clark, E.L., Pitt, C., Lindgren, B.S., Carroll, A.L. and Huber, D.P.W. (2014). Comparison of lodgepole and jack pine constitutive and induced resin chemistry: implications for range expansion by the mountain pine beetle, Dendroctonus ponderosae, (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) PeerJ, 2, e240,
- Evenden, ML, Whitehouse, CM, Sykes, J. (2014) Factors influencing flight capacity of the mountain pine beetle (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae). Environmental Entomology. 43(1), 187-196,
- Goodsman, D., Cooke, B., Coltman, D.W., Lewis, M.A. (2014). The genetic signature of rapid range expansions: dispersal, growth and invasion speed Theoretical Population Biology 98(1), 1-10.
- Janes, J.K. , Li, Y., Keeling, C.I., Yuen, M.S., Boone, C.K., Cooke, J., Bohlmann, J., Huber, D.P.W., Murray, B.W., Roe, A.D., Rice, A.V., Langer, D.W., Coltman, D.W., Sperling, F.A.H. (2014). How the mountain pine beetle (Dendroctonus ponderosae) breached the Canadian Rocky Mountains. Molecular Biology and Evolution. 31(7), 1803-15.
- Kolosova, N., Breuil, C., Bohlmann, J. (2014). Cloning and characterization of chitinases from interior spruce and lodgepole pine. Phytochemistry, 101, 32-39.
- Pitt, C., Robert, J.A., Bonnett, T.R., Keeling, C.I., Bohlmann, J., Huber, D.P (2014). Proteomics indicators of the rapidly shifting physiology from whole mountain pine beetle, Dendroctonus ponderosae (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), adults during early host colonization. PLoS One 9(10), e110673.
- Tsui, C. K. M., Farfan, L., Roe, A. D., Rice, A. V., Cooke, J. E., El-Kassaby, Y. A., & Hamelin, R. C. (2014). Population Structure of Mountain Pine Beetle Symbiont Leptographium longiclavatum and the Implication on the Multipartite Beetle-Fungi Relationships. PloS one, 9(8), e105455
- Wang, Y., Lim, L., Madilao, L., Lah, L., Bohlmann, J., and Breuil, C (2014). Gene discovery for enzymes involved in limonene modification or utilization by the mountain pine beetle-associated pathogen Grosmannia clavigera. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 80, 4566-4576
- Arango-Velez, A., El Kayal, W., Copeland, C. C. J., Zaharia, L. I., Lusebrink, I., & Cooke, J. E. K. (2015). Differences in defense responses of Pinus contorta and Pinus banksiana to the mountain pine beetle fungal associate Grosmannia clavigera are affected by water deficit. Plant Cell and Environment, 39(4), 726-744.
- Raffa, K.F., Aukema, B.H., Bentz, B.J., Carroll, A.L., Hicke, J.A., Kolb, T.E. 2015. Responses of tree-killing bark beetles to a changing climate. Climate Change and Insect Pests. CAB International, Oxfordshire.
- Aukema, B. H., McKee, F. R., Wytrykush, D. L. & Carroll, A. L. (2016). Population dynamics and epidemiology of bark beetles: 100 years since J.M. Swaine. Can. Entomol. 148: S82–S110
- Batista, P. D., Janes, J. K., Boone, C. K., Murray, B. W., & Sperling, F. A. H. (2016). Adaptive and neutral markers both show continent-wide population structure of mountain pine beetle (Dendroctonus ponderosae). Ecology and Evolution, 6(17), 6292–6300.
- Burke, J. L. & Carroll, A. L. (2016). The influence of variation in host tree monoterpene composition on secondary attraction by an invasive bark beetle: Implications for range expansion and potential host shift by the mountain pine beetle. Forest Ecology and Management, 359, 59-64.
- Dhar, A., Parrott, L., & Hawkins, C. D. B. (2016). Aftermath of mountain pine beetle outbreak in British Columbia: Stand dynamics, management response and ecosystem resilience. Forests, 2016, 7, 171.
- Dhar, A., Parrott, L., & Heckbert, S. (2016). Consequences of mountain pine beetle outbreaks on forest ecosystem services in Western Canada. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 46(8), 987-999.
- Erbilgin, N., Cale, J. A., Lusebrink, I., Najar, A., Klutsh, J. G., Sherwood, P., Bonello, E., & Evenden, M. L. (2016). Water-deficit and fungal infection can differentially affect the production of different classes of defense compounds in two host pines of mountain pine beetle. Tree Physiology, 37(3), 338-350.
- Garnier, J., & Lewis, M. A. (2016). Expansion under climate change: The genetic consequences. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 78(11), 2165-2185.
- Goodsman, D. W., Koch, D., Whitehouse, C., Evenden, M. L., Cooke, B. J., & Lewis, M. A. (2016). Aggregation and a strong Allee effect in a cooperative outbreak insect. Ecological Applications, 26(8), 2016, pp. 2623–2636
- Goodsman, D. W., & Lewis, M. A. (2016). The minimum founding population in dispersing organisms subject to strong Allee effects. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 7(9), 1100-1109.
- Huber, D. P. W., & Robert, J. A. (2016). The proteomics and transcriptomics of early host colonization and overwintering physiology in the mountain pine beetle, Dendroctonus ponderosae Hopkins (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). Advances in Insect Physiology, 50, 101-128.
- James, P. M. A., Janes, J. K., Roe, A. D., & Cooke, B. J. (2016). Modeling landscape-level spatial variation in sex ratio skew in the mountain pine beetle (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). Environmental Entomology, 45(4), 790-801.
- Janes, J. K., & Batista, P. D. (2016). The role of population genetic structure in understanding and managing pine beetles. In Pine Bark Beetles. Advances in Insect Physiology, 50, 75-100.
- Janes, J. K., Roe, A. D., Rice, A. V., Gorrell, J. C., Coltman, D. W., Langor, D. W., & Sperling, F. A. (2016). Polygamy and an absence of fine-scale structure in Dendroctonus ponderosae (Hopk.) (Coleoptera: Curcilionidae) confirmed using molecular markers. Heredity (Edinb), 116, 68-74.
- Kˇrivan, V., Lewis, M. A., Bentz, B. J., Bewick, S., Lenhart, S. M., & Liebhold, A. (2016). A dynamical model for bark beetle outbreaks. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 407, 25-37.
- Landry, J. S., & Parrott, L. (2016). Could the lateral transfer of nutrients by outbreaking insects be a relevant landscape-level biogeochemical process? Ecosphere, 7(3), e01265.
- Landry, J. S., Parrott, L., Price, D. T., Ramankutty, N., & Matthews, H. D. (2016). Modelling long- term impacts of mountain pine beetle outbreaks on merchantable biomass, ecosystem carbon, albedo, and radiative forcing. Biogeosciences, 13(18), 5277-5295
- Landry, J. S., Price, D. T., Ramankutty, N., Parrott, L. & Matthews, H. D. (2016). Implementation of a marauding insect module (MIM, version 1.0) in the integrated bIosphere simulator (IBIS, version 2.6b4) dynamic vegetation–land surface model. Geoscientific Model Development, 9, 1243-1261
- Lusebrink, I., Erbilgin, N., & Evenden, M. L. (2016). The Effect of Water Limitation on Volatile Emission, Tree Defense Response, and Brood Success of Dendroctonus ponderosae in Two Pine Hosts, Lodgepole, and Jack Pine. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 4, 2.
- Ramsfield, T. (2016). Evolving symbioses between insects and fungi that kill trees in Canada: New threats associated with invasive organisms. The Canadian Entomologist, 148(S1), S160-S169.
- Robert, J. A., Bonnett, T. R., Pitt, C., Spooner, L., Fraser, J. D., Yuen, M. M. S., Keeling, C. I., Bohlmann, J., & Huber, D. P. W. (2016). Gene expression analysis of overwintering mountain pine beetle larvae suggests multiple systems involved in overwintering stress, cold hardiness, and preparation for spring development. PeerJ. Jul 6;4:e2109.
- Burke, J. L., & Carroll, A. L. (2017). Breeding matters: Natal experience influences population state-dependent host acceptance by an eruptive insect herbivore. PLoS ONE, 2(2), e0172448.
- Burke, J. L., Bohlmann, J., & Carroll, A. L. (2017). Consequences of distributional asymmetry in a warming environment: Invasion of novel forests by the mountain pine beetle. Ecosphere 8(4):e01778.
- Cale, J.A., Muskens, M., Najar, A., Ishangulyyeva, G., Hussain, A., Kanekar, S.S., Klutsch, J.G., Taft, S., Erbilgin, N. 2017. Rapid monoterpene induction promotes the susceptibility of a novel host pine to mountain pine beetle colonization but not to beetle-vectored fungi. Tree Physiology, 37(12), 1597–1610.
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